Kendall is on team Mrs. Gittinger!

$516.00 of $500.00 goal raised!

Donations & Comments

Donor Amount Comment
Lacee Rogers$20.00We believe in you!
Joe Chavez$50.00
Delores Barrett$25.00
Nana Pam and Papa D$150.00We're so proud of you angel! Work hard and have fun! Love You Big, Nana Pam & Papa D
Lacee Rogers$50.00We're so proud of you! Love Maw Bob Bob and Paw Paw Charles
Kira Sedivy$20.00Good luck Kendall!!
Clint Selby$50.00
LeAnne Arnold$20.00Way to go, Kendall!
Tina Rogers$31.00
Kim Rogers$50.00Kendall your determination to excel at all your sports is so impressive and your sportsmanship and encouraging spirit towards your team mates is just the sweetest! We love you and hope you have a wonderful season! Love Uncle Chris, Aunt Kim, JoJo, and MoMo😘
Alicia Marionneaux$25.00
Laurel Rogers$25.00Use your speed, sissy!